"You little piece pf shit! I can't believe you did that to me? At least now I know why you signed up for science camp, although your friends that were there now think you've turned into an idiot or are suffering from some psychological disease. You shouldn't have left me alone with them for 2 months? I told you you'd pay for this betrayal!"
"Oh Sheldon! My dear little brother. Whatever do you mean?", Jamie, or at least the girl that looked like Jamie said with a smirk
"I am NOT Sheldon, Sheldon! Now stop pretending to be me and give me back my beautiful body. In fact, wow! What have you been doing? My core looks fantastic! So you haven't just been lying by the pool or out drinking. Nice! Still, that doesn't completely make up for everything, but I guess I do owe you?, the old Jamie said.
"Oh Shelly, Shelly. Don't you mean MY core? It's awesome! Isn't it? Ben's been helping me out at the gym most day and we've really been, 'working up a sweat'." Sheldon said, giving his old body a devious wink.
"Ben? Ben who? Do you mean Ben from my year? I haven't seen him since graduation last year. I heard he had become a personal trainer or some thing, on top of doing pre med at school, or something like that. He's always been a little cute, if he wasn't so dorky.Why have you been hanging out with him? Oh please tell me you haven't embarrassed me around him or people that I know or I'll absolutely die?", Jamie said.
"Hangin out? Well if that's what you high school kids call dating, then yeah! We've been hanging out. In fact he's due here soon to relax by the pool. Maybe you can get us drinks or stuff? Would you like that?" Sheldon said with a laugh.
"Dating? DATING?? Tell me you haven't done anything gross with my body. Eeeewww! You wouldn't have kissed him. You're not gay or anything. You didn't make some deal with his little brother to touch my boobs or something, did you? You and Ben's twerpy little brother are in the same class in school, aren't you? What did you do? Tell me right now you little shitstain!", Jamie was almost yellingin her brothers body. The madder she got, the more her old body smiled and chuckled at her.
"Don't you know your own friends Shelly? Ben's little brother Chad is one of your besties I believe.I'm sure he'd help you with anything. I've always found Ben to be quite sexy ad attractive. I just made sure no one knew until I could actually do something about it. It was great that YOUR friend found that medallion that helped me to fulfill all my fantasies. I've always thought this body could be better and I've spent the last 2 months giving it almost as much attention as Ben has. You may think he's a dweeb, but he's an extremely well hung dweeb and really knows what he's doing, if you know what I mean?", Sheldon said with another wink.
Jamie had a very confused look on her brothers face, "Wait?Are you saying you are gay? That you've always liked boys? Why didn't you say something? I would have helped you with that. You didn't have to steal my body to help? What are you going to do now? Have you gotten all attached? Have you gotten Ben out of your system? It'll be different with the next guy ans you'll both be, well, guys. Now I just feel bad for you. Well hung you say? Well I'm not impressed that you've been getting my body fucked, but if Ben is that good, although what do YOU have to compare it to, it might be worth a try. And he's planning on being a doctor you say? Hmmm,that might do me quite nicely. They're usually rich. This might have been for the better little brother? Has he been working out too? Is his body all hot as well?"
Just then, someone walked in through the gate. Jamie turned around and her mouth dropped. There, in nothing but board shorts and flip flops walked a very buff, very handsome Ben. He had changed quite a bit since Jamie had last seen him at graduation. He was topless, and he had every right to be. his perfect pecs and washboard stomach almost made Jamie drool. As he walked past Jamie, he ruffled her mop top and said, "Hey squirt! Good to see you. Chad was asking when you'd be back. He'll be happy to see you.". Then he looked at Jamie's old body and smiled. "Hey babe!", he said and scooped Sheldon up in his strong arms and pressed his face hard into Sheldon's. Sheldon reached up, ran his sisters hands up through Ben's hair and pressed his sisters body hard into Ben's.
When they finally let go of each other, Jamie could see how Ben's body had reacted to her old body and had to admit her brother was right. Ben was definitely very well hung.
"Why don't you go in and get us a couple glasses of ice tea honey? You know where it is. Make sure you say hi to mom. She'll be happy to see you." Sheldon said.
"Babe! She sees me every day." Ben said with a laugh, and walked into the house.
Sheldon leaned back in the lounge chair and looked at his old body with interest. "You still don't understand, do you? I'm not gay. Ben is the ONLY guy I've ever liked. I still like girls, as your friend Becky found out one night during a heavier drinking session. It was fun but I don;t want to share Ben again. Noe dear Shelly, God I always hated that nickname, but it's not so bad calling you it, no we aren't swapping back. This is my body now. I love being Jamie and I'm going to STAY being Jamie. You're going to have to deal with it. Now why don't you go over and get acquainted with Chad? He's actually a great friend. Maybe one day he'll show you the medallion and let you swap with someone. It just won't be me. Steps I've taken ensure tat this body can never be taken from me. Even if I wanted it to. No run along Shelly. Unless you want to see Ben virtually fuck me her on the chair, and in the water, and in the hot tub. If you catch my drift?"
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